Since 2017 I have drawn live hundreds of women in prison in Spain to document "A las Olvidadas". These are just some of those drawings. We have been in 17 prisons in Spain and the project has been successfully replicated in Mexico, Colombia and France.
A las Olvidadas, is an initiative to collect books dedicated by people to women in prison. What book would you give to a woman who is in prison? This is how this initiative begins. Books to escape but also to generate reflection and debate around a group invisible to society and discriminated against by the prison system because they are a minority. I am part of teta & teta, a non-profit association with the aim of demanding female freedom through creativity and activism. We tend to think that in some way we are following in the footsteps of Lorca, that just as he brought theater to the people with his company La Barraca, we carry books dedicated to women in prisons.After two years of self-financing, in 2020 we obtained support from the Gabeiras Foundation and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation until 2022 and from the Ministry of Culture until today.